Hi! All Bright-eyed and bushy tailed after a long night at a 100 Monkeys concert! DD was so tired that she didn't want to stick around for autographs!! She even said that THE JONAS BROTHERS wouldn't have made her stay. Oh well. I liked them so much that I'm catching their act in Portland!!
Okay, so this is the day to officially start THE LIST!!! I have decided to drop the one on the other blog because ADD tends to make me paralyzed if I take on too much, and doing my own AND trying to follow someone else makes me freeze.
This week's 5 points iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis........
What drives you to accomplish tough things? This can be a messy room, a goal that is hard to achieve, or even fears that you have.....LET ME KNOW! I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours!!!
I was ready! Just haven't been on the computer since Mon. I started 'The Metabolism Miracle' Tues. The first 3 days are referred to as DETOX...from carbs...and it isn't pleasant. On the 4th day you're supposed to be over carb cravings. For my family's sake, I hope so!!!
ReplyDeleteDoes our week start on Tuesdays? I should be able to figure out my answer by next Tues. I need all the 5 extra points I can get. :P
Not wanting to appear weak, and being stubborn, drives me to keep going sometimes...