Friday, March 11, 2011


There are 4 meanings on in reference to the word Providence:
1.(often initial capital letter ) the foreseeing care and guidance of god or nature over the creatures of the earth.
2.(initial capital letter ) God, especially when conceived as omnisciently directing the universe and the affairs of humankind with wise benevolence.
3. a manifestation of divine care or direction.
4. provident or prudent management of resources; prudence.
5. foresight; provident care.

Today I'm going with #3. This past few days I have been struggling with a direction I rarely take as a parent. KEEP.MY.MOUTH.SHUT!! For most of those who know me, you so agree with this and are laughing because I don't shut up!! You know the diet books we have and read and then follow them for a few days? That's what I do with wise parenting. I throw it out the window because I decide to take back the power. I can't do that anymore. My baby is going to be 18. I'm tired. I'm tired of being the control freak that I turned into. So, because of that, I depend on #3. Of course, the house rules are still in place. But the attitude of "I can do it all myself" needs to stop. I can't do it all myself. So as Proverbs 3:5 says: Trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, well, I must.

My prayers go out to Japan today. May the people we know and love be alright.

1 comment:

  1. that does not mean she does not need some input from time to time. There are many times I look back now and wish my parents or family members would have said something, instead they kept silent. Suggestions might be appreciated, but it all depends on phrasing.
